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Presenting Phonological CorpusTools, an application for using phonological algorithms with transcribed corpora

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Hi r/linguistics!

I'm a member of the Phonological CorpusTools (PCT) team and we just released version 1.0 of it, with Windows and Mac binaries available here and the source code (in Python) available here.

PCT performs phonological algorithms found in the literature on large corpora. You can use it to calculate lexical-based properties like phonotactic probabiltiy and neighborhood density of individual words, which have been used in psycholinguistic studies. You can also calculate segment-based properties like the functional load of two segments in a corpus or how predictable two segments are from their environments. You can also calculate acoustic similarity between individual wav files in a directory or groups of wav files in different directories.

We currently support loading of corpora from running text files, column-delimited files with headers (like CSV), Praat TextGrids and formats used by the Buckeye corpus and TIMIT. You can also download example corpora (a toy corpus and IPHOD from within the application. Likewise, you can download feature matrices in the style of Chomsky and Halle (SPE) and in the style of Hayes for several transcription systems. Custom column-delimited feature matrices can also be loaded.

We hope you find it helpful!

submitted by wavable
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3637 days ago
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How Language Evolves Webcast

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CARTA (Center for Academic Research & Training in Anthropogeny) are webcasting their free symposium on “How Language Evolves” on Friday, February 20th (1:00 – 5:30 pm PST), co-chaired by Roger Levy (UC San Diego) and David Perlmutter (UC San Diego).

How Language Evolves


The symposium addresses the question of how human language came to have the kind of structure it has today, focusing on three sources of evidence:

1) ways languages get new structure not present in the language of the previous generation(s) of speakers or signers;

2) what contrasts between new and mature languages reveal about how language evolves;

3) neuroscientific investigations of functional specialization for language in the human brain and its dependence on the linguistic input the language learner gets during cognitive development.

You can access the live webcast here:



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3640 days ago
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25.3279, Diss: Computational Linguistics, Morphology, Phonology: Chandlee: 'Strictly Local Phonological Processes'

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3810 days ago
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Paper by Liina Pylkkänen, Doug Bemis and Estibaliz Blanco Elorrieta in Cognition

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Just published! Pylkkänen, L., Bemis, D. K., Blanco Elorrieta, E. (2014). Building phrases in language production: An MEG study of simple composition. Cognition 133, 371-384

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3811 days ago
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Near-infrared spectroscopy: recent advances in infant speech perception and language acquisition research

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Judit Gervain
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3811 days ago
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Toward a dual-learning systems model of speech category learning

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Bharath Chandrasekaran, Seth R Koslov and Todd Maddox
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3826 days ago
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